Armed with my newly gained knowledge about the issues I
thought were pertinent to the community, I was not completely terrified of the
approaching candidate forum. The time
allotted for each candidate to speak was so small that I didn’t expect to get
into too much trouble.
Where I arrived at the auditorium where the forum was taking
place, I immediately saw that there were more candidates attending than people
from the neighborhood. I wasn’t
surprised. I’d seen the attendance at
the Neighborhood Council meetings. These
were the same people I’d seen there. We
were given 30 seconds to introduce ourselves.
I told them who I was and how long I’d lived in the neighborhood and a
brief summary of what I do. I then told
them that the entire concept of the Neighborhood Council ought to be
re-envisioned to create a resource for communication and volunteerism, rather
than the added layer of city government which it currently was.
There were to be two questions asked of all the candidates. Each of us was given forty seconds to answer
each question. As the first question, we
were asked what we thought was the single most important issue facing the
community. Fortunately, I was not the
first to be called on to answer the question, so I was able to get an idea by
what the other candidates said as to what I wanted to tell the people in the room. I decided to spend my forty seconds talking
about communication. It wasn’t bad for
an adlibbed speech. I told them I
thought our biggest problem was that we didn’t really talk to our neighbors
very much anymore and that the way to build a community was through
communication. Forty seconds is a very
small amount of time to say anything very meaningful, but I did the best I
could. Some of the other candidates were
very good at articulating their favorite issue; others just rambled and quickly
ran out of time before they said anything meaningful. I was beginning to be grateful for the forty
second limit on speechifying.
The second thing the moderator wanted us to address was what
we thought the best way to reach out to the community might be. Again, I was not the first to be called, so I
had some time to decide what to talk about.
I chose the Neighborhood Watch program as an effective way to get people
talking and working together for a common goal.
With the right group of people, a Neighborhood Watch can really be a
great community builder, so I talked about that. I thought I did well. I again emphasized that people needed to look
to each other for solutions to problems and not wait around for some government
agency to figure it out. I don’t suppose
it was what anyone wanted to hear, but I do believe it to be true. Government is really only good at stopping
things or trying to stop things. Actions
are performed by individuals. Ideas come
from individuals. Of course, it can be
good to have lots of help putting those ideas into practice, but somebody has
to be in charge. Decisions are best made
by individuals. Groups generally arrive
at lowest common denominator type solutions which are rarely, if ever, as
effective as those solutions decided by well-informed individuals.
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